Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Motions

so i was listening to the radio and a song called "the motions" by matthew west came on. i liked the tune so i bought it on itunes. i found it really interesting after listening to the lyrics. it is about getting to God's grace through giving everything you have rather than going through the "motions" which i would take to be the joys and set-backs of faith and the journey we all embark on. now whenever i hear the song on my itunes playlist, i think, well why are the "motions" so bad? i mean if i werent going through the motions of His grace, i wouldnt be where i am now! His "motions" are the only things that keep me from exploding sometimes!! if i werent going through the motions i probably wouldnt have made some of the friends i have, and might have made some decisions that i wouldnt have wanted to make now! i feel that the high school years of my life would have been VERY different had i not gone through the motions. the motions as i find them are the ever-changing ideas and problems i come across on a day to day basis. if i were to just ignore those problems and ideas, and just give everything i ever knew and had to Him, there is no way i could be the kind of person i want to be.

Living through Him is the only way i can live.

Don't stop asking... Dont stop believing... Go through your own personal "motions"

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