Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Ron Paul Truth

Alot of people hear the name Ron Paul and immediately associate it with anarchy or anti government or unpatriotic. Well the truth is Ron Paul is not only the complete opposite of that but is probably more patriotic than many traditional Democrats and Republicans today. Watch this video This video describes his work and views and patriotism. Ron Paul's Presidential campaign raised 4.3 million dollars in a 24 hour period. This happened without even spending a single penny! Completely online. The MOST money EVER raised in such a short period in the history of Presidential Campaigns.
Now Ron Paul scares many people because of his idea that the government can not live people's lives for them. Government can not back up everything you do. If you chose to do something with your life then by all means, do it! just dont infringe on other people's freedom and liberty while doing so.
He is also criticized because of his following being largely youth, but when asked about this and why his campaign is growing so rapidly, he only had to respond saying "Well, it just might be, that freedom is POPULAR"

so before throwing Libertarians and Constitutionalists to the back of your head, take a moment, watch the video, and educate yourself about what is happening with our government, and our great country, The United States Of America!

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